How Our Poetry Circle Began
Our Poetry Circle explores all aspects of poetry with casual meetings that make it easy for poets to connect—in Brooklyn or online. Photograph by Radu Marcusu, courtesy of Unsplash
The first time I ever heard of a poetry circle was when I came across the term in a book title (actually, a subtitle): How to Read a Poem . . . And Start a Poetry Circle by the poet Molly Peacock. In the book, Peacock describes a poetry circle as “a guilty pleasure.” My interest was sparked. Peacock continues: “[Circles] are divinely slow in a hurtling world, heavenly in their absence of social, philosophical, and psychological pressure, and, best of all, thrilling in their presence of revelation. Poetry circles make you know you have a soul, and that other people do, too.”
A confession: I have truly enjoyed other book groups I've had the delight to be part of (usually focused on works of fiction), but the delight has been challenged by the weight of required preparation (and a sense of guilt for even feeling a sense of obligation where the wonderful pastime of reading is concerned). Peacock emphasizes the notion that a poetry circle can be free and clear of two things: 1) Oodles of time spent preparing for a session; and 2) Mild to severe headaches over the organizing of agreeable dates, venues, and book selections every few weeks or so. My cup ranneth over!
Peacock offers the sparkling idea of meeting just on or near each solstice and equinox—four times per year. A rather indulgent and relaxed routine like this felt utterly realistic when I began to think of this circle. And, given all the great connections I’ve made with other dedicated poetry readers and writers who expressed interest in taking part, and support from marvelous librarians at public libraries in New York City and Brooklyn, we held our very first meeting in March of 2018 and haven’t missed a season since.
Our Poetry Circle continues in hybrid format, online through Zoom and at the Brooklyn Heights Public Library. Learn more about our Poetry Circle and get news and updates here. Or, to join our newsletter, send an email to me at