Ashley Mabbitt is an American poet. Her work explores such topics as art, consciousness, family, silence, and the stillness of time. Her poems have appeared in The Ekphrastic Review, Emerge, Plume, Ravensperch, South Florida Poetry Journal, and The Summerset Review. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, where she works for an academic publisher. Ashley's first full-length book, A Self, a Frame, a Look in Through, will be published by Kelsay Books in late 2023. She is currently writing a new collection.

Ashley Mabbitt’s website, A Little Bit of Poetry, is a place for sharing poetry and poetry-related news, events, musings, and more. Our Poetry Circle, based in New York City, meets to discuss poems and listen to live readings. Learn about our Circle here, or read from our online offerings of poetry and articles from our magazine, A Little Bit. If you have questions, dreams, or inspirations, please reach out to us at

The work of art featured above is William McCloskey’s Wrapped Oranges on a Tabletop (1897). The photograph is by Sotheby’s, New York, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. To read a poem based on this painting, click here.